Hey everyone, it's Baz the baby Dale here. I thought I should let you know what I have been up to lately.First of all I have been eating lots and lots of yummy food, and it is making me grow really really fast. I have been doing lots of playing and exploring at home. Mum gave me this big cardboard box to play with. (Ellie got one too). We had a great time ripping and jumping on it. I played with it for ages before I had to wander off for a little nap.
I have been a really good boy at night time now, and go off to bed without crying like I used to. You can see me in my pen. I am getting big now and can reach the top with my front paws.
I have also mastered the art of looking very sorrowful. This is a ploy to trick my pinkies into feeling sorry for me. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Pinkies can be a bit tricky to manipulate can't they?
I have also discovered shoes. I have chewed up mum's nice brown leather slip ons, destroyed her black ballet flats and as you can see below, I have hit the jackpot and found daddy's running shoes. They certainly smell interesting! Some good chewing to be had, but the pinkies took these off me quick smart. Never mind - I know where daddy leaves them now and if I am quick I can run off with one before he even realises. Ha ha daddy.
And joy of all joys, I have found a nice little place in the garden to dig holes! I like to run along the fence behind all the trees. It is nice and cool there too. Then I made a nice little hole for myself to lie in for an afternoon nap. Of course I had to dig it out a little bit first.The pinkies tell me I won't fit in there for much longer, but I reckon I can squeeze in there for a while yet. Look how comfy I am.......
Oh and yesterday mum took me to this place called the Vet. We didn't go inside, we went straight around the back through these really big gates. When we got inside there were lots of other puppies there.
I got to play with some of them off lead (yes they have started putting this horrid thing called a lead on me - how rude is that?)
But then this great big brute of a puppy named Rocky came and barreled me over and I didn't like it at all. He was far too rough with me. I ran off and hid under the stairs.
Mum tried to coax me to come out, but I wouldn't. I didn't like Rocky one bit.
Mum dragged me out of my hiding place and we started "Puppy School"
Once we started doing things and I realised stupid Rocky couldn't get near me anymore, I was fine then. We learned things like "sit" and "free" and "no". it was all very interesting. Mum says I was a very good boy.
Afterwards I got to make friends with some other smaller puppies - a border collie and a chocolate Lab. They were nice and we played for a bit. I never went near Rocky again (His pinkies got into trouble from the trainer too, ha ha). We hope he doesn't come back to class.
I also got to have my first real ride in the car. I wasn't too keen on it actually. I cried a little bit, being in the back of the station wagon all on my own was a bit scary. I cried on the way home too. Luckily it only took five minutes to get home. Then I flaked it and crawled into my garden hole for a big sleep. Puppy school is hard work.
Mum has been practising with me today too. I keep hearing that "no" word alot.
In fact the pinkies have started to intervene everytime I try to attack Ellie now too. They both tell me "no". I just want to play! But I don't think Ellie likes it when I bite her. She growls at me. The pinkies say I have to learn to play "nice" whatever that is.
Uh oh someone is in the kitchen - I gotta go investigate. I have learned that the kitchen is where ALL good things come from.