Well it gives us all the greatest of pleasure to announce the fact that we are getting a new Airedale puppy!
And not just any puppy either mind you - he is Harley's great grandson, making him my great nephew!
Oh how wonderful is that???
The pinkies are so happy. I can't wait till they bring him home.
He was born on Dec 15th, just three days after Harley passed away.
Mum thinks it is almost "meant to be".
We are all sure Harley is watching from the night sky and wagging her tail in delight.
The pinkies have picked a star just for Harley, and think that having one of her descendants is a great way to continue our family.
We have chosen a name already, he will be called "Bazza" but his official title will be:
"Yorkpark Bearach Shining Star".
Mum chose Bearach for a few reasons. It is gaelic and mum's daddy was from Ireland. It has Bear in it, and mum liked it.
The English tranlation of Bearach is Barry, so daddy says he will call him Bazza, which is a typical Australian nickname for any man named Barry.
So Bazza it is.
The pinkies will be able to go out and visit Di and David at Yorkpark in a couple of weeks (I hope I can come too?).
It is Melba's very first litter, and Di says she is doing exceptionally well as a first time mum. There were 2 girls and 5 boys. The pinkies are getting first pick from the boy puppies.
The only downside is we all have to wait until the middle of February before we can bring Bazza home. I can't wait to meet him.
I hope everyone had a realy nice Christmas. It was a quiet one here.
Mum had a few tears because Harley couldn't be with us for Christmas.
But I cheered her up by helping to open her presents.
I am very good at making my pinkies laugh.
They often call me a clown, but I think they mean it in a nice way though.
Bye for now.
Miss Ellie - the Superdale.
Thursday, 27 December 2007
Wednesday, 19 December 2007
My Golden Rose Award
Tuesday, 18 December 2007
Best Friend Award
My Bear is home.

My Harley Bear came home to us today - we picked up her ashes.
They are in a lovely carved wooden box.
I have it on my dresser with her collar and a small lock of her fur that I have wrapped in tissue in a trinket box. So now she is finally at home, where she belongs.
I feel a sense of peace and am feeling better than I have been in days.
I think about her all the time, and often smile at memories of her doing funny things or sharing moments of affection with us.
Ellie is pining for her and is still unsettled. She will sort it all out in her own time. I am looking forward to spending time at home with her over the Christmas break, hopefully that will help her too.
Friday, 14 December 2007
Goodbye to our sweet girl Harley

Our beautiful girl Harley passed away on Wednesday Dec 12th, after a seizure that weakened her heart.
Tim found her at home struggling to breathe and rushed her to the local vet - Steve. I met them there about 20 minutes later - it was the worst drive ever, I was so scared I wouldn't get there in time.
Harley died in my arms about 5 minutes after I arrived. She seemed to acknowledge that I was with her, so that gives me comfort to know that she knew we were there and she wasn't on her own. Tim believes she waited for me.
Our hearts are filled with sadness, but her pain is over. She can run free with all the Airedale's that have gone before. She is reunited with her mum Iceastar.
We will never forget our gorgeous girl, she has left her paw print permanantly in our hearts.
We would like to thank everyone for their support love and prayers, it all helps us struggle through.
We would also like to thank all at Planet Airedale and The Airedale Terrier Club of Victoria, through both we have made many wonderful friends, without you we would be lost.
Sleep well our beautiful darling girl.
Jan 25 1998 - Dec 12 2007.
Jo and Tim
Tuesday, 4 December 2007
The Christmas tree is back

Hi everyone, it is Harley here.
Woo hoo look at me, in all my Christmas finery!
I was soooo excited when the Christmas Tree reappeared at our house last night.
I never really got into the Christmas spirit last year (I was still a little unsure in my new home), but this year I LOVED helping mum put the Christmas tree up.
All those wonderful ornaments to steal off the tree - just for me!

Mum would put the decorations on, and then I would take them off. On, off, on off, it was a great game.
Here are Ellie and I next to our Christmas Tree. Ellie is lying down at the front, I am sitting nicely beside the tree.
You will notice there is no angel on our tree - this is because Ellie ate her head last year. Oh dear!
I might have destroyed a few little ornaments, but at least I have never killed the Christmas Tree Angel. Bad girl Ellie!
It is very hard keeping little sisters under control sometimes.

But here is the worst thing of all.
The pinkies have hidden the Christmas tree away in the rumpus room this year.
Behind closed doors!
How am I supposed to steal the ornaments now???????
And the Presents! How can Ellie and I unwrap all that lovely paper, if we can't even get in there?

I can see the Christmas tree, but I just can't get in there.
I need to learn how to open the door all by myself.
That would give the pinkies a nice surprise wouldn't it?
I will have to use my Airedale ingenuity to get around this little obstacle!
Love Harley xxx
Sunday, 25 November 2007
Ellie's Beechworth holiday

This photo shows my mum patting Willow, Jane (with camera in hand) and Bryan giving Lucy ear rubs.
That is me closest to the camera on the left, next is Noah and then Tess is sitting in front of Jane.
We all got along very well, in fact the Leura Dales were on their very best behaviour!
Even Lucy, with the formidable reputation!

We also went out to a nice lake. The Leura Dales went for a swim, while I wandered off into the bush. I hurt my back leg, and daddy had to come and get me and take me back to the car.

One the second night daddy let me sleep on the spare bed and he slept on there with me. I didn't cry then.
We met 2 local Airedale's in Beechworth too, they barked at us, but they were rather nice. We met their pinkies too, they came out to see all the visiting dales.
We got so much attention while we were in town. Everyone wanted to pat us, and lots of people stopped to talk to our pinkies and even take photos of us. We made quite an impact. I guess they must never have seen 5 Airedales walking around their town before.
We all had a great time together, but I was very glad to get home.
But I don't think Harley missed me at all.
She never came with us, because of her health issues and mum was concerned about her stressing out because of a change to her routine. Harley doesn't cope well with change.
Elizabeth our dog sitter came to stay with Harley, and they had a great time. Harley liked being the only Dale! She has never been an only Dale before ha ha.
See ya soon
Ellie - the Superdale (that really is a big sook)
Tuesday, 30 October 2007
Snowball Fight
Well it seems we are copping Snowballs being thrown at us from all over the place.
We are a little confused by all this talk of snow, as we live near the ocean and have never actually seen snow before.
Is it hard, and does it hurt when it hits you???
But we are more than happy to throw some cause it sounds like fun!
So we are throwing Snowballs at.....................Mojo.
We are more beach girls - here we are at the beach last winter with some of our Airedale friends from the Airedale Terrier Club of Victoria. Now that was fun.

Notice the pinkies are all rugged up for the winter.....ha ha not us Dales. Some of our friends even went for a swim in the ocean that day. Not us though, we don't like to get wet.
Ellie and Harley
We are a little confused by all this talk of snow, as we live near the ocean and have never actually seen snow before.
Is it hard, and does it hurt when it hits you???
But we are more than happy to throw some cause it sounds like fun!
So we are throwing Snowballs at.....................Mojo.
We are more beach girls - here we are at the beach last winter with some of our Airedale friends from the Airedale Terrier Club of Victoria. Now that was fun.

Notice the pinkies are all rugged up for the winter.....ha ha not us Dales. Some of our friends even went for a swim in the ocean that day. Not us though, we don't like to get wet.
Ellie and Harley
Sunday, 14 October 2007
Harley's Story......joining the family.
Here we are in the garden on my first day. I am the good looking one standing on the deck (ha ha Ellie - got ya back)
I was very nervous at first, but Ellie was being really nice to me. I did get upset when my other people left, and I kept waiting at the gate for them to come back but they never did.
I wasn't too sure about coming inside the house at first. The new pinkies were very considerate and left every single door open, so I could get back outside if I wanted to.
I was a little bit scared in this strange new place.
They got me a brand new bed, but I decided I would rather sleep on Ellie's bed. She was ok with that becasue she was sleeping on the pinkies big bed.
See here is proof that knucklehead Ellie gets up on the pinkies bed. I was never allowed on the furniture in my last home, so I still don't get up on the beig bed, even when the pinkies call me in the morning and invite me up with them......oh no! I might get in trouble! We are not allowed on any other furniture either - just Ellie on the big bed.
I spent the first 8 years of my life living with my breeders at Yorkpark. I was a show girl and did quite well too. My offical name is Yorkpark Harley Isastar. I was born on January 25th 1998.
I was also a breeding bitch, and had 3 litters of Dale babies.
This is my daughter Yorkpark Meg-a-Star from my last litter. She was waiting to go into the Show Ring at Royal Melbourne Show when my pinkie took this photo last year.
I have settled into my new home now and am very happy. My new pinkies give me loads of cuddles, I get far more attention now, as Ellie doesn't like to cuddle - so I get them all (yay).
We get to go walkies everyday, and even have special Dales Day Out on Sunday's, then we ride in the car and go somewhere nice. I love being in the car. I do a funny littel dance that mum calls my "Harley Happy Dance" as soon as I think we might be going out.....I get so excited, I just love being out with the pinkies.
So life is good now. My old people wanted me to have a nice retirement, that is why they brought me here. Ellie is my little sister, we have the same parents - Ch Yorkpark Pinto Iceastar is our mum and Yorkpark Compuchip Elvis is our dad. I still get to see my old people sometimes, we visited them last christmas and had a lovely time. And the pinkies often go to the Airedale terrier Club days out, so then i get to see lots of my relatives, that's nice too!
So life is good now. My old people wanted me to have a nice retirement, that is why they brought me here. Ellie is my little sister, we have the same parents - Ch Yorkpark Pinto Iceastar is our mum and Yorkpark Compuchip Elvis is our dad. I still get to see my old people sometimes, we visited them last christmas and had a lovely time. And the pinkies often go to the Airedale terrier Club days out, so then i get to see lots of my relatives, that's nice too!
So, now you know all about me - Harley Bear.

Friday, 12 October 2007
Ellie, The Puppy Years......

This is my mum, Aust Ch Yorkpark Pinto Iceastar.
Ice is Harley's mum too, but Harley is from an earlier litter, I am the younger sister (ha ha Harley)

Here we all are - 4 tiny little Dale sisters aged 6 weeks old. That is me, the little one all on my own.
This is me with my new daddy. The pinkies came to visit when we were 6 weeks old, they couldn't resist me. I untied all their shoelaces, and caused mischief, like a good Dale puppy should. No wonder they picked me!

In my new home at last. I had a great big back garden all to myself, and giant toys to play with too! This is my first day with my pinkies....hooray!

Look what they did to my ears! Stuck to my head with glue! What's that about......?
How are they going to flap when I run?
Don't worry, the glue didn't last long.

Somehow I ended up in the wheelbarrow - all I was doing was was helping daddy with some Dale gardening. The pinkies thought they could outsmart me, by putting all the chicken wire around the newly planted trees, but I worked out how to get that off real quick!

Now I am all grown up and alomst 8 years old......time flies doesn't it?
Sunday, 7 October 2007
Award from Cora
Monday, 1 October 2007
Our play in the park with Jane's boys

We spent a lovely Sunday afternoon at the Off Lead park with our friend Jane and her three Dale boys Mr Perriwinkle, Sam and Charlie.
The boys were frolicking in the water and mud quite happily, but not us girls - we don't like to get our feet dirty.
Enjoy the pics...... love Ellie the Dale and Harley Bear xxx
Saturday, 29 September 2007
Bear napping

Well I was having a rather lovely afternoon nap, then next thing I know the camera is out and the pinkies are snapping away taking photos of me at my most vulnerable!
Really what is a girl to do?
How does a girl get any privacy?
Luckily daddy then took us out for a nice walk, that soon woke me up!
Love Harley Bear xxx
Thursday, 27 September 2007

Well I was having a rather nice time sniffing out all the hidden delights that the pinkies keep locked away from us in that magical place they call "the pantry".
But then mum came back in and caught me in there! Oooops.
I almost got to the jar of doggie treats too!
I will have to be a bit quicker next time ey?
Super Dale xxx
Wednesday, 19 September 2007
Dinner time

Yippee, sometimes dinner time is such sooooo good.
Tonight the pinkies had roast chicken, and the best part of that is that Harley and I get all the meat off the ckicken after the pinkies are finished.
There is always heaps left over and we get a very nice dinner.
I LOVE roast chicken, especially if there is a nice bit of gravy on it too.........yummmmmm.
The Dale
Saturday, 15 September 2007
Introducing The Bear

Hello, I am Harley - The Bear. I am the more mature of us Airedale's and not nearly as naughty as Ellie. She gets into rather a lot of mischief whereas I am quite reserved.
Although I do tend to bark a bit more. I like to let everyone that walks past our house know that I am on duty protecting my pinkies. Sometimes Ellie joins in on my barking efforts. We raise quite a racket when we both have a go!
Hi from The Dale
Hello from The Dale and The Bear

Well hello, we finally have our own blog. We have been training the pinkies for a while and now they have the hang of it, we are in action. Woo hoo.
We are Miss Ellie aka 'The Dale' and Harley Bear aka 'The Bear'.
We are two Airedale Terriers.
I get called the Dale, because the pinkies used to call me 'the bloody dale' every time the found some of the destruction that I had created. In the past there has been quite a bit of that. But I am far more mature now and far less inclined to destroy things. I am 7 years old and have lived with the pinkies since I was 8 weeks old. Long enough for them to understand that I rule the house.
My sister is The Bear. She gets called the Bear because she has such a pretty face that everyone says she looks just like a teddy bear.
Yeah yeah whatever, we all know she is cute, but I am more fun.
She is 9 years old and only came to live with us in Feruary of 2006. Prior to that she lived with the breeder and pranced around the show ring for a couple of years, then made puppies for a few years. Now she lives with us.
We are actually sisters too, we both have the same parents.
I was very nice about her coming to live with us and I even let her play with all my toys and sleep in my bed.
Having the Bear meant that now the pinkies would stop trying to cuddle me all the time. I am far too busy for cuddles, I just want to play! So now everyone is happy.
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