We spent a lovely Sunday afternoon at the Off Lead park with our friend Jane and her three Dale boys Mr Perriwinkle, Sam and Charlie.
The boys were frolicking in the water and mud quite happily, but not us girls - we don't like to get our feet dirty.
Enjoy the pics...... love Ellie the Dale and Harley Bear xxx
wow girls ...3 boys to play with! Looks and sounds like you had a great time.
The Thugletsxx
I'm with you girlz! Mud is icky and dirty!
Great pictures!
Love ya lots,
That must have been a fun day out. You did the right thing keeping out of the water though....you never know what's lurking in there.
Love the piccies.
Noah, Willow, Tess & Lucy
Isn't it just the best to go out and meet Airedale friends. You look like you had a fun time. Photos are great.
Molly and Taffy
You guys are so lucky to have a park with a creek that actually has water in it!! Most of ours are all dried up :(
Hello Ellie and Bear! Nice to meet ya! That looked like a lovely afternoon, and you got BOYZ to play with too!!
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
Hi Girls...
My Name is Ruby, nice to meet you. You don't like to get your feet dirty??? Yikes, that's the best part of going to the park for me - hee hee hee.
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Hi, Ellie and Bear.
Nice to meet you! Sure that looks like a great day having fun with those boys!
I love water and mud!
Have a nice day
Gosh girls, what fun. I'm not keen on mud or water either, I hope that doesn't make me a wimp in your eyes. Love the last photo, zzz.
Toodle pip,
Harry x
woofies ellie and bear, nice to meeted u...lookies likes u had bunches of funs...
b safe,
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