
Sunday, 7 September 2008

Catching Up

Well it has been a little while since our last update - only because mum hasn't been very well since she came back from that USA place.
Daddy says when mum coughs it sounds like she is barking like a Dale! ha ha.
Poor mum. She is sick in her lungs again.

We spent a couple of days just trying to keep dry because it hasn't stopped freakin' raining.....although today was good.
Bazzy spent all day outside in the back garden with the pinkies. They did some gardening - all under Bazzy's supervision of course.
I spent most of the day inside my kennel, enjoying the peace of not having Bazzy constantly harrassing me. Gee it was nice to get some peace.

We haven't been able to get much PC time either....mum has joined stupid Facebook and hogs the office ALL the bloody time - get out mum so I can BLOG!

It's not like it is all about her - we ALL know it is all about us DOGS!

Ha ha

Hope everyone had a nice weekend.

Miss Ellie


Caz and Ludo the cool dude said...

I hope your mum gets better soon with her bad cough. You need to make her rest and stay in out of the rain.
hope the hols was good that thety were on.
Look forward to your next update.

Ludo the cool dude.

Asta said...

I'm so glad you'we back..But I miss youw pictoowes..I hope youw Mum gets bettew vewy soon..give hew lots of aiwelove!
smoochie kisses

Noah the Airedale said...

Facebook...what is she thinking???
Ellie, is Bazzy still harrassing you...he is such a naughty boy hee hee. D is looking forward to seeing you all soon. Gosh not long now.
We hope J is feeling better soon.

Noah xx

Duke said...

We hope your mom's cough goes away soon! It's no fun being sick!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch