This is my mum, Aust Ch Yorkpark Pinto Iceastar.
Ice is Harley's mum too, but Harley is from an earlier litter, I am the younger sister (ha ha Harley)

Here we all are - 4 tiny little Dale sisters aged 6 weeks old. That is me, the little one all on my own.
This is me with my new daddy. The pinkies came to visit when we were 6 weeks old, they couldn't resist me. I untied all their shoelaces, and caused mischief, like a good Dale puppy should. No wonder they picked me!

In my new home at last. I had a great big back garden all to myself, and giant toys to play with too! This is my first day with my pinkies....hooray!

Look what they did to my ears! Stuck to my head with glue! What's that about......?
How are they going to flap when I run?
Don't worry, the glue didn't last long.

Somehow I ended up in the wheelbarrow - all I was doing was was helping daddy with some Dale gardening. The pinkies thought they could outsmart me, by putting all the chicken wire around the newly planted trees, but I worked out how to get that off real quick!

Now I am all grown up and alomst 8 years old......time flies doesn't it?
Love the photo of you in the wheebarrow. You are a very helpful dale and obviously a true gardener.
Molly and Taffy
Ellie, I've never seen your baby pics before. You are a little cutie pie.
Love from Noah
What is it about puppies and shoelaces? I've never met one that didn't like to untie hooman shoes! You were quite the adorable pup, Ellie!
Love ya lots,
those pictures are adorable. I love the one of you in the wheelbarrow! I would have picked you too Ellie...gorgeous.
Your mum looks nice too - very friendly and pretty.
It is nice to have an insight into your early days,
Love Kate
Awwwww... I LOVE puppy pictures!!!!
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